TATA DOCOMO USSD CODES for 2G, 3G: Tata DOCOMO is the 6th largest Indian mobile service provider that provides services for GSM as well as for CDMA. If you are surfing for Full List of Top All Docomo USSD codes for Balance, Offers, plans in 2017, then you landed at the right place. This post will give you all Tata Docomo USSD codes of 2017 in AP and also the way to get SMS alerts, offers, plans and alert of Tata Docomo. We had already given T24 USSD codes 2017. Now we are providing the latest Tata Docomo USSD Codes for you.
Docomo USSD Codes For SMS, Data Balance, Customer care
USSD is an acronym of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, is a protocol. Tata Docomo is one of an Indian Mobile telecom operator, which offers voice and data services ranging from prepaid and postpaid plans, Broadband wireless Service, 2G, 3G and Value added Services(VAS).
How to Use Docomo USSD ?
Simply Dial the USSD same as the phone Number . Dial Exactly Number Like *111# and Press the call button.
Using these Tata Docomo USSD codes you can activate and deactivate any services or check any type of the balance in Tata Docomo mobile.
Here we are providing the latest Full list of Docomo USSD codes of 2016 for data balance check, Internet packs, recharge, GPRS, 3G pack, offers, Balance Transfer.
Full List Of Tata Docomo USSD Codes
- Know Your Number → *1# or *580#
- Balance Check → *111#
- GPRS or Internet Data Check → *111*1#
- Customer Care → 121
- DND(Do Not Disturb) Call → 1909 or SMS → START DND to 1909
- Recharge *135*2<Recharge Pin>#
- Balance Inquiry → *191*2#
- Validity → *191*3#
- Service Points → *191*4#
- Last 3 Recharge History → *191*5#
- Status of free usage(Pool Balance) → *191*6#
- Start/Stop Services → *191*7#
- Service Request → *191*8#
- Customer Preference → *191*9*1#
- Home Zone Locations → *191*9*2#
- Daily SMS Count → *191*9*3#
- DATA → *191*9*4#
- CALL → *191*9*5#
- Prepaid Bill Request → *191*9*6#
- Edit & Add Account Details → *191*9*7#
- Special Offers → *191*9*8#
- 3G Internet Packs → *141*1#
- Local Flavour → *141*2#
- ILD Packs → *141*3#
- New Internet Packs → *141*4#
- Daily/Weekly Packs → *141*5#
- Music Unlimited → *141*6#
- Chat Zone → *141*7#
- Discount Zone → *141*8#
- Talk More → *141*9#
All the above-furnished tata Docomo USSD codes list for SMS, Data Balance Check, Offers, internet packs, GPRS of 2016 are true to our best knowledge.